+45 40 97 96 30 - Reklamebeskyttet!
HUSK Overtrædelse af reglerne om reklamebeskyttelse kan i henhold til CVR-lovens § 22, jf. § 19 straffes med bøde.
CIBMAL, filetransfer page....
SuDoKu (Latest version is: v1.08.6)
SuDoKu.txt Description of versions.
SuDoKu_EXE.zip(0.25Mb) Free download.
SuDoKu_SOU.zip(0.03Mb) Crypted zip, contact for pwd.
CibUtil (Latest version is: OLD!)
A number of old utillities, many obsolete, many still usefull, some is destructive.
Please don't use them before consulting the user-guide, to avoid data-loss
Many (but NOT all) supports "/?", a few newer/updated after the user guide...
CibUtil description
CibUtil.doc(1Mb) CibUtil user guide, ROUGH translation - sorry.
CibUtil_DK.doc(1Mb) Danish CibUtil user guide.
CibUtil(0.1Mb) Free download of around 130 odd and old utillities.